Table of Contents
Scenes of Stillwater………..........1 Todd McKinley
When I Step from My Body…....6 Lois Marie Harrod
Montezuma’s Well…....................7 Will Cordeiro
Bitter Sea..….................................8 Richard Schiffman
After John Berryman,
Dream Song 29….........................9 Ashley-Elizabeth Best
Veil of Perception 5.....................10 Jose Manuel Collantes
Addictions...............…….......…..11 Allen Strous
Night Ocean..………………….12 Laura Bonazzoli
Negotiating the Distance
Between Memories…..........…...13 Richard Weaver
Mercies.........................................15 Hope Henderson
Untitled……….…......................17 Simon Perchik
On Memory and Survival…….18 Alec Hershman
When We Lose Both Parents....19 Maureen Sherbondy
Iceland Ferry...……...................20 Keith Moul
Epithalamium with
a Crop in Hand......................…21 Alec Hershman
Ten……......................................23 Michael Lauchlan
Horses in Pompeii
& Elsewhere……….......….....24 Kelly R. Samuels
Walking at Dusk…...........…...25 Laura Bonazzoli
Standing at the End of Yet Another
High Holy Day Service……..26 Robert Manaster
My Late Aunt…................…..27 Peter Snow
Winter Geese….…………...28 Becky Kennedy
Interview with Jason
Five poems from Jason Grundstrom-Whitney
After Raven Stole the Light 33
Osha Root.............……36
Thin Bears.....................38
Rock Bowl….....….......40